Edna Lockwood, the last historic sailing bugeye in the world, will be visiting the Crisfield City Dock at 1201 W Main Street for the August 24 Crisfield 4th Saturday Bay Stroll, as part of a National Park Service-funded heritage tour around the Chesapeake Bay. The August 24th 4th Saturday Bay Stroll is part of the Water/Ways Smithsonian traveling exhibit programing for the J. Millard Tawes Museum. The bugeye will remain at the dock through Thursday, August 29th although visitor will only be able to board her during the August 24th 4th Saturday from 4 pm until 7 pm. During this time, CBMM staff members will offer free deck tours, giving guests a chance to explore the bugeye while she’s docked. More information on the Edna here.