The Maryland Coastal Bays Foundation exists to protect and conserve the waters and surrounding watershed of Maryland’s coastal bays to enhance their ecological values and sustainable use for both present and future generations. To accomplish this goal, the Foundation will:
1. Engage federal, state, local partners and the public in defining the health concerns and conservation needs of the Coastal Bays and their watersheds;
2. Implement management strategies defined in the comprehensive Conservation Management Plan (CCMP) in accordance with the Federal Clean Water Act as the Maryland Coastal Bays National Estuary Program;
3. Develop and use factual scientific information to improve the health and sustainable use of the Coastal Bays and their watersheds;
4. Promote responsible stewardship and actions to improve the Coastal Bays and their watersheds through public outreach and education; and
5. Conduct fundraising activities to secure public and private grants and donations to support environmental improvements beyond those provided by existing funding sources.
The Maryland coastal bays, like other coastal areas around the world, are experiencing rapid population growth and increased development. Already the bays are experiencing early warning signs of stress. Recognizing the potential for additional stress on this fragile ecosystem and the importance of a healthy ecosystem, federal, state and local government agencies have joined with the people who depend on these resources for their livelihood and quality of life to develop a plan of action that will protect and restore the health of the coastal bays. The Maryland Coastal Bays Program is one of 28 National Estuary Programs designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The Maryland Coastal Bays Program has identified changes in living resources, deteriorating water quality, loss and modification of habitat, increasing chemical contamination, impacts of water based activities, and pathogen contamination as priority issues threatening the coastal bays.
The State of Maryland, Worcester County, the Town of Ocean City, the Town of Berlin and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency agree to work cooperatively to engage in a watershed wide process to develop strategies.
These include:
- Improve the overall water quality by reducing the causes of eutrophication, and maintain the water quality in relatively unimpacted areas such as Chincoteague Bay.
- Protect existing habitat, restore degraded habitat and create new habitat to improve the reproduction and maintenance of healthy living resource populations.
- Access the impact of pathogens and toxic chemicals on living resources and control and/or mitigate those impacts.
- Promote ecologically sound, sustainable development in order to protect the desired uses and economic vitality of the coastal bays region.